If anyone wants clearer notes, feel free to email me @ chumieller@optonline.net. הצלחה רבה!! :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

בקיאות- פרק יג

רשב''ם ג,ד Let’s say a נביא will give a סימן and say that if it comes true you must serve ע''ז and his sign comes true, know that ה' only allowed this so that He could test you and give you זכותים when you pass. So the פסוק warns us not to follow a נביא שקר so that we can increase our זכותים.

רמב''ן ב והנה צוה- you can’t listen to a נביא שקר because you know that he’s wrong. You were taken out of מצרים and personally experienced great נסים, so you know better than to listen to him.

רמב''ן ד והנה מצות- how do you know if a נבואה is אמת or שקר? If the נביא says to abolish a certain מצוה, you know that it’s not true because ה' would never do that. But if a נביא מוחזק comes and tells you to change a מצוה for a short amount of time, להוראת שעה, you can believe him. Ex. אליהו בהר הכרמל.

רש''י ה מצותיו- תורת משה

ובקולו תשמעון- קול נביא אמת

ואותו תעבדו- עבודת ה' במקדשו

ובו תדבקו- cling to ה' by following his דרכים, "מה הוא רחום...".

רש''י ו הפדך מבית עבדים- even if all ה' did for you was redeem you, it would still obligate you to follow in His ways. קו''ח now that He did so much for us.

אוה''ח יח ה' doesn’t want to make כ''י into an אכזריותדיק people. So when He commands you to kill the city, He gives you a הרגש רחמנות so that you will feel like a רחמן. And ה' will act that way in return to you. He will be מרחם upon you and therefore be מרבה you.

1 comment:

can't get enough :) said...

i have no words for u chums so i'll just leave it at: THANK YOU!
u know all the rest!