If anyone wants clearer notes, feel free to email me @ chumieller@optonline.net. הצלחה רבה!! :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

בקיאות- פרק כד

רש''י ט זכור את...- this is one of the שש זכירות. It is telling us not to get צרעת- don’t speak ל''ה. Remember what happened to מרים when she spoke about her brother.

רש''י יח וזכרת- even if it costs you money. This is why I redeemed you from מצרים, you must do it.

רש''י יט למען יברכך- even though you gave צדקה without כונה, קו''ח to someone who did it with כונה, ה' will bentch you. If you lose money and an עני finds it and is מפרנס from it, you get ברכה for it.

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