If anyone wants clearer notes, feel free to email me @ chumieller@optonline.net. הצלחה רבה!! :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

בקיאות- פרק כה

רש''י א והרשיע את הרשע- I might think that whoever is guilty gets מלקות. But this doesn’t always happen, sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. What kind of a person gets מלקות? Someone who is עובר on a לא תעשה where there is no עשה to correct it.

ג The most a person will get is thirty- nine.

רש''י ונקלה אחיך- the whole time he is a רשע. But when he gets punished, he is your brother.

ספורנו יא The wife embarrasses her husband’s brother if he doesn’t want to do יבום with her because he doesn’t care about his brother. However, she has no רשות to be מבזה a man who is fighting with her husband.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think it is missing a tiny bit at the end- is that possible?