If anyone wants clearer notes, feel free to email me @ chumieller@optonline.net. הצלחה רבה!! :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

בקיאות- פרק יח

א In addition to the כהן and לוי not getting a נחלה is someone who wants to donate himself to ה'.

The following three parts of a קרבן go to the כהן:
1. זרוע
2. לחיים- tongue
3. קבע- intestines

כלי יקר ג Why?
1. זרוע- שכר for ברכת כהנים.
2. לחיים- שכר for ברכת כהנים בפה.
3. קבע- in the זכות of the כהנים, ה' sends a ברכה that a person eats little and gets full.

רש''י ו ובא בכל אות...- there were twenty- four משמרות. Each משמר was two weeks. The shifts went by ירושה. Also, during the שלש רגלים, all of the כהנים came up and did work. This teaches about a כהן here that if he brings a קרבן, even not in his shift, he could do it himself.

רש''י ח חלק כחלק יאכלו- when the כהן did עבודה, he got food to take home, but only if it was his shift. By the רגל, they divided everything up. Normally, the כהן of that shift got the stuff.

ט You could learn about it, but not in order to do it.

רש''י יב כל עשה אלה- it doesn’t say עשה כל אלה, it says כל עשה אלה- you can’t do any of the sorcery the גויים do.

רש''י יג תמים תהי' אם האלקיך- go afterה' , בתמימות. Don’t ask after the future, but whatever ה' tells you, accept. You know that you are ה'’s nation.

רמב''ן תמים תהי' אם האלקיך- you should be totally connected to ה'. Believe that He knows everything and knows what is going to happen in the future. Don’t ask from stargazers or believe what they say. Believe that everything is from ה'. Believe that everything is dependent on your עבודה. Don’t be afraid of what people tell you is going to happen in the future. You must שלם in your יראת ה'.

ספורנו טו אליו תשמעון- if he changes it for a short amount of time.

רמב''ם If based on what’s happening ב''ד and the נביא decide to change, it’s ok.

רשב''ם כב ולא יהי' הדבר ולא יבא- only a נבואה טובה. But if a נבואה רעה didn’t happen, you don’t put him to death because it could’ve been that you did תשובה.

רש''י אשר ידבר הנביא- if you have a person who’s proven to be a נביא and is a צדיק גמור (for example אליעזר בהר הכרמל), then you should listen to him if he is changing a מצוה for a short amount of time.

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