א If you find a dead body between two cities: measure to see which city is closer. Even if you know which city is closer, you must still measure because it’s a מצוה.
ר' הירש עגלה ערופה fits into this פרשה because if you find a body that wasn’t buried, it shows that the murderer didn’t really care to bury the person. There is a killer on the loose- he doesn’t care if ב''ד finds him out, otherwise he would bury the person. So it’s ב''ד’s fault that people aren’t scared of them. The ב''ד of ירושלים comes down to measure and see which ב''ד people aren’t scared of.
רש''י ז ידינו לא שפכה- would you think that ב''ד are killers? The problem is that they didn’t accompany him. They allowed him to go without מזונות and therefore the murderer killed him.
רמב''ן ה ה' commanded them that the closest city has to do עגלה ערופה because had they not done a similar kind of עבירה, ה' wouldn’t have allowed for this to happen. But the רמב''ם says that the reason you make a big deal is to that people will be busy with it and they’ll find the murderer. Very often, the killer will be found around the city. People will be talking and maybe even a שפכה will come and say that she knows who the murderer is. You don’t do the עגלה ערופה until you know who the killer is. The place where they kill the עגלה ערופה can’t be tilled again and people will talk about it. The רמב''ן says that every time a קרבן is brought outside, it’s a חוק. עגלה ערופה is a קרבן.
רש''י יא ולקחת לך אשה- if ה' didn’t give a way to do it properly, people would do it באיסור. But if he goes and marries her, he’ll end up hating her and they’ll have a בן סורר ומורה.
You can learn so much from a בן סורר ומורה- בקולנו- the parents have to have one voice.
גמרא איננו שמע בקולנו- they must have the same voice. The mother must have a man’s voice. A woman who has a man’s voice can’t get married.
ספורנו יח סורר ומורה- fact that he’s rebellious and doesn’t listen means that there is no way he is going to get back on track.
רש''י סורר- he went off the way.
ומורה- he is rebellious.
ויסרו אתו¬- he’s not חייב until he steals, eats a certain amount of meat and drinks a certain amount of wine. He’s called on his end. The reason why he dies is because he has a bad habit and he is stealing to support it.
א''ע כ וסבא- drinks a lot and is drunk. This is like an אפיקורס- believes עוה''ז is to be enjoyed.
רש''י כב וכי יהי' באיש...- סמיכות הפרשיות: if parents have misplaced רחמנות on him, at the end he is going to do some really bad things and he’ll get מיתה from ב''ד.
ותלית אותו על עץ- "כל הנסקלין נתלין"- whoever is stoned gets hanged.
רש''י כג כי קללת אלוקים תלוי- you don’t leave him hanging. A person is made of דמות אלקים and we’re ה'’s children. To leave a person hanging is a זלזול לה'.
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