ג מהלך שלשת ימים- was a three day walk from end to end.
אבן עזרא עיר גדולה לאלקים- ראי' that they were once upon a time יראי ה'.
רד''ק לאלקים- like הררי קל. When you put the name "קל" next to something, it means that it’s big.
ד עוד ארבעים יום...- this is the קריאה, "אשר אנכי דובר אליך".
How could a נביא ה' say something that won’t come true?
1. נבואה רעה could always be turned to good if you do תשובה.
2. רש''י- נהפכת- these words aren’t שקר. He didn’t say "נחרבת", he said "נהפכת"- has a dual meaning- if you do bad, there will be a physical overturn- "נחרבת". But if they do תשובה, then "נהפכת" is referring to אנשי ננוה- turn from bad to good.
3. מלבי''ם- עוד= 40,ארבעים= 80. 40+80= 120. יום can either mean a day or a year. In another 120 years after this ננוה was destroyed.
ה They believed יונה immediately.
רד''ק ויאמינו- the sailors testified about what happened and the people believed them and did תשובה.
ו מלך ננוה- was פרעה.
ז מטעם המלך- בעצת המלך
At that time, cattle were money. People were watching their פרנסה go down the drain. This was an incentive to do תשובה, because as long as they don’t do תשובה, they didn’t have פרנסה.
מ''צ בחזקה- with their whole heart.
ט מי יודע- any other עבירות that are on their hands.
מלבי''ם את מעשיהם- they did תשובה on חמס, but didn’t change their beliefs. This is a חלוקי דעות- some say that they did real תשובה.
י וינחם- this is חרטה.
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